Donate Milk

Human milk is the ideal food for babies, especially for babies with health problems or babies who are born early. A mother's own milk is the first choice for her baby, except for rare times when it cannot be used because the mother is sick, or has a low milk supply. In instances like these, medical professionals and the World Health Organization suggest banked donor milk as the next best thing.
MilkWorks is proud to partner with the Colorado Mothers' Milk Bank to become a donation and outreach center (also known as a milk depot) in Lincoln and Omaha!!!
When an interested mother is approved to donate her excess milk, MilkWorks accepts the donated milk and safely transports it to the Denver Milk Bank for pasteurization. Approved donors can drop off their milk during open hours at either one of our locations.
To learn more about becoming a milk donor, fill out a Donor Interest Form here.